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Publication Ethics & Policies

The Interdisciplinary International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (IIJASSAH) upholds stringent ethical guidelines for manuscript preparation to ensure the integrity and credibility of published research. Authors submitting manuscripts must affirm that their work or a substantial portion of it has not been previously published in a peer-reviewed journal nor is it currently under consideration elsewhere for publication. It is also required that all listed authors have reviewed and approved the manuscript.

Upon acceptance for publication, the corresponding author is typically required to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement Form. This document typically includes provisions confirming originality, authorship approval, and the transfer of copyright to the journal, among other legal aspects pertaining to publication.

  • Copyright

The Author and each co-author agree to transfer exclusive rights to the Publisher for the duration of the copyright. This includes rights to translate, reproduce, transfer, distribute, and use the Materials or any part thereof for publication in scientific, academic, technical, or professional journals, as well as in derivative works, worldwide and in all current and future media formats. The Publisher also has the right to license third parties to use the Materials for publication. Any authorized use of the Materials must properly attribute the Journal and Publisher, including the article title, author(s) names, Journal name, volume/number, and the publisher's copyright notice.

  • Reserved Rights

The Author (Co-authors) or their employer retain all proprietary rights in the Materials, except for those rights granted to the Publisher under the terms of this Agreement.

  • Author Guarantee

The Author (Co-authors) guarantee that the Materials are original creations, solely submitted to IIJASSAH and not previously published. If co-authors contributed to the writing, the Author affirms they have informed them of this agreement's terms and obtained their signatures or written consent.

Additionally, the Author assures that:

  1. The Materials do not contain disparaging remarks.
  2. The Materials respect the rights of others, including copyrights, patents, and trademarks.
  3. The Materials do not contain information or instructions that could harm others, and their publication does not disclose private or proprietary data.

Editorial Policies

The Journal aims to serve as a forum for discussing career paths, emerging trends, and scholarly advancements alongside publishing outstanding papers from global contributors. Submissions may cover diverse topics within the business domain but must consistently contribute to the field's advancement. The Journal encourages articles that explore new technologies, discoveries, and forthcoming developments. Original research and innovative ideas are particularly valued to enhance the existing literature in papers submitted for peer review.

Peer Review Process

Submitted manuscripts undergo evaluation by the editorial board. If they meet the requirements of IIJASSAH and align with the journal's standards, they will be accepted for further review.

Reviewers initially assess the papers and subsequently discuss their comments in editorial sessions. They provide their recommendations for revisions to the corresponding author, who then revises the manuscript. The revised paper undergoes a second round of peer review by two or three external reviewers.

Open Access Policy

This publication provides immediate open access to its content, believing that freely accessible research enhances global information exchange. All published articles are available for free and unrestricted access. Each article includes a Google Scholar link, and no fees are charged for access.

Creative Commons

All publications by Academic Journals are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This allows for reproduction, remixing, distribution, transmission, and modification of the work, provided that proper credit is given to the original source.

Publication Ethics

All authors are required to adhere to ethical guidelines when preparing their manuscripts for submission to the journal. The Journal upholds publication ethics standards to safeguard the credibility of published articles and maintain the integrity of scientific publishing.

Plagiarism Policies

Plagiarism is treated as a significant offense in this journal. Each manuscript undergoes a plagiarism check using the Turnitin Similarity detection program as part of the initial review process. Submissions found to have a high degree of similarity to existing published works are promptly rejected. All manuscripts must be original works of the author(s). The journal's editorial policies require further investigation of any detected content overlap to assess potential plagiarism. IIJASSAH permits an overall similarity of up to 20% in an article before it is considered for publication.

Types of Plagiarism

Scholarly publications are meticulously crafted through extensive review of existing literature, making it crucial to differentiate between proper attribution and plagiarism. Key distinctions include:

  • Plagiarism: Using someone else's words, phrases, concepts, or research findings without proper acknowledgment.
  • Self-plagiarism: Reusing one's own previous work in a new publication without crediting the original author.
  • Inadequate Paraphrasing: Copying entire paragraphs with minimal word changes or altering sentence structure without changing the original meaning.
  • Direct Copying: Replicating content verbatim without using quotation marks or acknowledging the original author.
  • Inadvertent Plagiarism: Incorrectly paraphrasing source material or using terminology that straddles paraphrasing and quoting without proper attribution.
  • Sectional Resemblance: Similarities across sections like abstract, materials and methods, discussion, and conclusion may indicate potential text reuse. Authors should strive for originality and clarity in these areas, acknowledging technical terms and standard procedures appropriately.

Editors play a critical role in assessing these elements to ensure manuscripts meet ethical standards before publication.

Plagiarism in Published Manuscripts:

Once published papers containing copied text are identified, they undergo a rigorous examination and clearance process by the journal's chief editor before being removed from the journal website.

Fabricating and Stating False Information

To uphold the academic integrity of each article, IIJASSAH will issue post-publication notices. Authors found to have submitted fraudulent material, including falsified photographs or data, will face consequences, including the withdrawal of their published works and rejected submissions.

Waiver Policy

To preserve the academic integrity of every article, IIJASSAH will publish post-publication notices. Authors of published articles and those who submit manuscripts containing fraudulent material, including fabricated photographs or data, will face consequences, including the withdrawal of their works.

Archiving Policies

The Journal utilizes the PKP Open Journal Systems and employs the LOCKSS program to ensure continuous, decentralized, and distributed preservation of authentic content with unrestricted access. All OJS journals are digitally archived through the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN), demonstrating the Journal's commitment to long-term preservation of its published articles.

Article Withdrawal: For articles in the press, which are draft versions that may contain errors or unintentional duplications, and in rare cases, may violate ethical guidelines such as plagiarism, multiple submissions, false authorship claims, or misuse of data, the International Journal of Advances in Business and Management Research has a policy. Articles in press or accepted for publication but not yet officially published may lack volume, issue, or page details. If an article is found to have errors or ethical violations as per the journal's guidelines, it may be "Withdrawn." This term means the article's HTML and PDF content will be removed and replaced with a notice stating that the article has been withdrawn.

Article Retraction: The Interdisciplinary International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (IIJASSAH) will standardize its policies regarding article retractions to address violations of professional ethics, such as plagiarism, false authorship claims, duplicate submissions, and fraudulent data use. Retractions are occasionally necessary to rectify submission or publication issues and have historically been a part of academic practice upon recommendation by the academic community.

Article Removal (Legal limitations): In very rare cases, an article may be removed from the online database under specific circumstances: if it contains clear libel, violates legal rights, is subject to a court order, or poses a significant health risk. In such instances, the text may be replaced while retaining the metadata (title and authors).

Article Replacement: In cases were acting upon the information could pose serious health risks, the authors of the original article may choose to withdraw the problematic version and replace it with a revised one, following the journal's retraction protocols.

Conflict of Interest: Editors are assigned journal submissions to minimize potential conflicts of interest. It is important to avoid connections between editors and authors that may present conflicts, such as current or recent coworkers, recent coauthors, and PhD candidates for whom the editor served as chair. Editors must report any conflicts not covered by these criteria to the managing editor after papers are assigned. If editors do not pass all conflict tests, the manuscript will be assigned to the least conflicted co-editor. Additionally, editors assign the least conflicted co-editors to each paper submission to further mitigate conflicts of interest. Referees are also assigned papers to review and are instructed to inform the editor of any conflicts after paper assignment.

Authors: Authors must disclose any financial or other conflicts of interest that could potentially influence their work when submitting a manuscript for publication. This includes acknowledging all funding sources for the work and any other financial or personal relationships related to the research.

Reviewers: External peer reviewers evaluating a manuscript are required to disclose any conflicts of interest that could influence their assessment of the work to the editors. If necessary, reviewers should decline to review a specific paper. Editors need to be informed of reviewers' conflicts of interest to assess their reviews appropriately and decide whether to replace the reviewer. Reviewers are expected to refrain from using insider information to advance personal agendas before the work is published.

NB: All authors are required to complete and sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement Form, which includes disclosure of potential conflicts of interest. Submissions of articles will not be accepted unless this form is fully completed.

Research data

Sharing data enhances the efficiency of research by enabling others to reuse experimental results and fostering the development of new scientific insights based on prior discoveries. It also builds trust in research, promotes transparency, and supports the reproducibility of findings. The International Journal of Advances in Business and Management Research is committed to collaborating with stakeholders to address challenges in enhancing data effectiveness. We play a significant role in assisting researchers who wish to store, share, discover, and reuse data.

While a substantial amount of research data is shared through journal articles, many other types of data are not typically included in these publications yet significantly support them. Our policy aims to address this gap by facilitating the discovery and accessibility of such hidden research material. Publishers play a crucial role in enabling access to this data, and our research data policy provides a framework for our involvement and support in this important area.

Research data encompasses various forms, including raw and processed data, software, protocols, algorithms, methodologies, and materials. Although the specific definition of research data varies by discipline, it generally refers to the outcomes of observations or experiments that underpin research conclusions and have not been published as part of a journal article.

Principles: The policy of Interdisciplinary International Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (IIJASSAH) is based on the following principles:


  • Whenever feasible, research data should be freely accessible to all researchers with minimal restrictions on its reuse.
  • Researchers should have control over the availability and utilization of their research data, and they should receive fair recognition for the time and effort invested in generating and sharing it.
  • Consideration should be given to discipline-specific requirements, as expectations and practices regarding research data vary across fields.
  • Facilitating effective reuse of research data is a shared objective that requires collaborative efforts to identify efficiencies and avoid redundant work.
  • Platforms, publications, tools, and curation services can enhance the discoverability, use, reuse, and citation of research data.
  • Individuals who invest significant resources or add value to research data to enhance its reusability should be acknowledged for their contributions.

Concurrent Publication/Simultaneous Submission

Manuscripts submitted to this journal must be original and not previously published elsewhere, nor concurrently under consideration or published elsewhere. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and authors acknowledge that submitting their work gives publishers the right to take legal action if plagiarism or falsification is detected. Databases of results, conference abstracts, posters, and presentations at meetings are not considered prior publication, provided they do not include interpretation, discussion, or conclusions beyond presenting data. Authors translating previously published content must obtain appropriate permissions, clearly indicate the content has been translated and republished, and give proper credit to the original source. The Editor-in-Chief may request copies of relevant publications if concerned about duplication or redundancy.

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