International Journal of Advances in Business and Management Research (IJABMR) 2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><img style="width: 100%; border-radius: 15px;" src="" alt="" /></p> <p>The International Journal of Advances in Business and Management Research (IJABMR) eISSN 2584-1718 is an online, international, peer-reviewed, quarterly journal. The journal is published by Swami Vivekananda Global Academy, India. The first issue of IJABMR was published from September 2023.</p> <p>The journal is the official publication of the Swami Vivekananda Global Academy. The International Journal of Advances in Business and Management Research's major mission is to publish research articles in the fields of business and management. We invite papers from scholars in all business and advanced marketing practise areas, covering all theoretical lenses and management practise areas of globally functioning organisations.</p> <p>The journal's goal is to give a platform for diverse intellectual pursuits from all walks of life for the development and enhancement of the business and advanced management. The Journal welcomes and recognises high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, book reviews, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, and technical notes from researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students worldwide.</p> <p>We welcome contributions to our journal from researchers and scholars worldwide. To maintain consistency and facilitate a broader readership, we kindly request that all submitted articles be written in English.</p> <p> </p> <p style="color: #27397d;"><strong>Topics of interest to IJABMR readers include:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Business Administration</li> <li>Human Resource Management</li> <li>Business and Marketing</li> <li>Crisis Management</li> <li>Finance</li> <li>Stock Market Analysis</li> <li>Organization Studies</li> <li>Marketing Management</li> <li>Brand Management</li> <li>Business Ethics</li> <li>Product Development</li> <li>Social Media Marketing</li> <li>Digital Marketing</li> <li>Marketing Forecasting</li> <li>Customer Behaviour and Satisfaction</li> <li>IT Marketing</li> <li>Business Advertising</li> </ul> <p> </p> <center> <p style="color: #27397d;"><strong>Published by</strong><br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Swami Vivekananda Global Academy, India</strong></a></p> </center> The Resilience and Renewal Strategies Employed by Macau's Small Businesses to Survive and Thrive During the Covid-19 Crisis: A Comprehensive Review 2024-04-08T05:02:24+00:00 Li Jun Wu Jingwen Li Quipeng <p>The COVID-19 epidemic presented unparalleled difficulties for small enterprises on a global scale, and the small company sector in Macau was not exempt from these issues. The present research examines the resilience and renewal tactics implemented by small enterprises in Macau in order to endure and prosper during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study investigates the varied reactions and adaptation strategies implemented by small enterprises in Macau using qualitative research methodologies such as interviews and case studies. The results demonstrate a variety of resilience solutions, encompassing inventive business models, digitalization, product and service diversification, stakeholder collaboration, and utilisation of government support efforts. Furthermore, this study aims to address the influence of organisational culture, leadership, and staff resilience on the crisis response of small enterprises. This study enhances our comprehension of how small enterprises can effectively face unparalleled obstacles and emerge more resilient from catastrophes. The findings derived from this study have the potential to contribute valuable knowledge to policy interventions, support mechanisms, and capacity-building programmes that seek to improve the resilience of small enterprises in Macau and other regions.</p> 2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advances in Business and Management Research (IJABMR) Changes in Low-Income Countries' Wages as a Result of China's Trade Liberalization 2024-04-19T07:10:21+00:00 Zhang Xiaolei Chen Yang <p>The fast expansion of China's economy and the following liberalization of its commerce have had far-reaching consequences for the world's LICs. Focusing on the implications on labor markets and income distribution, this research analyzes how China's trade liberalization has affected salaries in LICs. This research intends to provide light on how China's trade policies have affected wage dynamics and societal shifts by reviewing the relevant literature.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>China's exports have increased as the country has liberalized its trade policies and opened up to international markets. Wages in LICs have been affected, both positively and negatively, by the flood of Chinese imports. Wages in businesses that rely heavily on human labor have been hit especially hard by cheap Chinese imports. Because of this, low-skilled employees in LICs face more competition and less bargaining leverage, both of which contribute to wage stagnation or decline.</p> <p>The rise of China's exports, however, has opened up new doorways for economic development and increased employment in LICs. Increased demand from China has fueled employment growth and pay inflation in LICs' comparative advantage sectors including natural resources and specialized manufacturing. Chinese investment in low- and middle-income countries (LICs) has boosted local economies by creating jobs and raising salaries in the manufacturing and infrastructure sectors.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The overall effect of China's trade liberalization on LICs' salaries is nuanced and sector-specific. Economic diversification, trade patterns, and the structure of LIC economies all have a role in shaping the size and direction of these impacts</p> 2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advances in Business and Management Research (IJABMR) Promotional Strategies for Brands on Social Networking Sites 2024-05-09T06:38:02+00:00 Li Menglin Qiao Fei Yang Tao <p>This paper's goals are important for two reasons: first, from the perspective of businesses, to investigate the reasons for and practical applications of social media brand pages; second, from the user's perspective, to learn how these pages might be of value. For the purpose of this study, this study used a qualitative methodology. Facts were acquired via in-person interviews with 14 marketing managers for their company's involvement in Social Networking Sites, and it provides preliminary evidence regarding the activities of enterprises, the factors that prompted their participation, and the results of their efforts, among other things. In addition to providing products and services, the company also hosts contests for fans, publishes guides and how-to articles, and handles customer support issues. The key motivators are the rising profile of rivals, the mandate to save expenses, the central office's strategic direction, and the prevalence of social media. The major intended outcomes for businesses were described as follows: communication with customers, customer relationship creation and improvement, customer engagement, product promotion and sales growth, and better focused customer acquisition. Conclusions should be taken with a grain of salt, as social media research is still a relatively new subject and this study was qualitative in nature. For a more in-depth understanding of the situation, it would be helpful to conduct interviews with businesses from a variety of industries, as well as users of various social media platforms. This article highlights numerous possibilities for business leaders and recommends best practises for using social media. Given the proliferation of social networking sites and its incorporation into corporate advertising strategies, this study offers an initial stage in gaining insight into how corporations use these platforms.</p> 2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advances in Business and Management Research (IJABMR) Government Expenditure on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Ghana 2024-05-09T10:11:38+00:00 Zhang Shuchen <p>In a free market finances, the government plays an essential role. The government really does a lot for an economy. When markets can't solve problems on their own, governments must step in to offer public goods, address externalities, and enforce competition. The issue for every economy that wants its government to fulfil its function is finding the right size of government (total expenditures by the government as a percentage of GDP) to promote long-term prosperity. Government spending in Ghana has increased over the previous two decades, according to data on fiscal behaviour, but GDP growth has lagged behind. Using a time series data analysis, this study aimed to provide fresh empirical light on the connection between government size and economic growth in Ghana, as well as to identify the optimal threshold level at which government final consumption may contribute to rapid development. The research found that higher levels of government spending contributed directly to economic expansion. The analysis concluded that a threshold of 0.114% for government spending was optimal for promoting growth in the economy. Therefore, the study urges fiscal discipline and control to maintain the optimal level of government spending, which would have a multiplier effect on other parts of the economy and prevent crowding out.</p> 2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advances in Business and Management Research (IJABMR) Effective Machine Learning Techniques for Stock Price Forecasting 2024-05-14T05:21:11+00:00 Madhuri Agrawal Dileep Pulugu Shruti Sharma Deepak Shukla <p>The paper explores the dynamic intersection of financial markets and advanced data analytics. In a world where markets evolve swiftly, informed decision-making is imperative for investors, traders, and financial analysts. The paper addresses this need by developing a machine learning model employing a random forest classifier to forecast the direction of the S&amp;P 500 index. It unfolds through a systematic process, commencing with data retrieval from Yahoo Finance, data preprocessing to ensure data quality, attribute selection, and model training. We rigorously evaluate the model using precision as the primary metric, which measures its accuracy in predicting stock market trends. We integrate data visualization tools to enhance interpretability and user-friendliness, allowing users to intuitively grasp the model's performance and outcomes. Beyond its predictive capabilities, the project offers an educational tool for learners interested in machine learning and its applications in finance. The system's architecture prioritizes modularity and scalability, establishing the foundation for potential future improvements.</p> 2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Advances in Business and Management Research (IJABMR)